A Note:

My wife and I are expecting our first child. Since finding out that she is pregnant, I have been having tons of imaginary conversations with the kid. It's like there's a frantic rush to remember everything I've ever wanted to impart to a child. So, in an effort not to forget these bits of "wisdom", a blog was born.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Let Me Apologize Now

I am going to try to make your life as much like the 70s as possible.
If mom would let me, I'd get shag carpet and wood paneling. Don't get me wrong, I love technology and I'll teach you all about it, but there was just something about the 70s.
I mean, c'mon, "Welcome Back, Kotter?" Awesome.
ELO? Super cool.
Grease? Yes, please!

What can I say, it was a cool time.

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