A Note:

My wife and I are expecting our first child. Since finding out that she is pregnant, I have been having tons of imaginary conversations with the kid. It's like there's a frantic rush to remember everything I've ever wanted to impart to a child. So, in an effort not to forget these bits of "wisdom", a blog was born.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Let Me Apologize Now

I am going to try to make your life as much like the 70s as possible.
If mom would let me, I'd get shag carpet and wood paneling. Don't get me wrong, I love technology and I'll teach you all about it, but there was just something about the 70s.
I mean, c'mon, "Welcome Back, Kotter?" Awesome.
ELO? Super cool.
Grease? Yes, please!

What can I say, it was a cool time.

Eating Habits

It used to be that we thought three meals a day was the right way to eat. Lately though, people have been saying that eating 5 or 6 "mini" meals is better for you. I don't know which is correct. In the beginning, I am pretty sure you'll be eating like a billion mini meals due the fact that your stomach is about the size of a jawbreaker. But, as a traditionalist, I feel that we'll probably adhere to the three meals system. "Honey, come downstairs, Second Small Dinner is ready," just doesn't have the same homey ring to it.

Either way, don't eat too much McDonalds.